- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Halloween
- Safety
- Fall
- Autumn
- Feelings
- Anxiety
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children know what to expect on Halloween. It reassures children that scary Halloween things are not real. It emphasizes safety while going trick-or-treating and having fun. Areas of Learning:
This digital social story helps children understand how some families recognize Thanksgiving. It explains how Thanksgiving is an opportunity to practice appreciation and gratitude. It provides examples of important things we can be thankful for. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Family Studies
- Culture and Traditions
- Fall
- Autumn
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story aims to help children feel confident wearing their glasses at school. It discusses the importance of wearing glasses if they are prescribed. It suggests ways to care for glasses. It assures children that their true friends will support them as they get used to wearing their new glasses. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Counselling
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Science and the Body
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Identity and Belonging
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the significance of Remembrance Day in Canada. It covers what to expect at a school’s Remembrance Day assembly. It explains the meaning behind the poppy. It encourages children to act in a peaceful way at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social Studies
- Canadian History
- Peace Education
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story celebrates nature and being outdoors. It gives examples of things children can do outside in nature. It encourages children to use their senses outside and to be present as they explore all that nature has to offer. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Science
- Outdoor Education
- Environmental Education
- Living Things
- Earth Day
- Social Studies
- Indigenous Education
- Land, Place, and Nature
- Reggio Emilia
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story demonstrates how to ask for a break appropriately at school. It explains that a break comes after getting the assigned task done, or after a predetermined time has passed. It shows children examples of inappropriate behaviour. It assures children that taking a break is healthy and helpful. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Work Habits and Effort
- Personal and Career Planning
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Communication Skills
- Feelings
- Self Regulation
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the difference between negative thinking and positive thinking. It explains what it means to be grateful. It provides examples of things to be grateful for. It suggests ways for children to daily document or express their gratitude. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children acknowledge the many contributions that people make to help others in the community and in the world. It allows children learn about a variety of community roles and responsibilities. It encourages children to think of ways to help others in their community. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Social Studies
- Community
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Personal and Career Planning
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story was created to support children, caregivers, families, and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides examples of activities children can choose from while staying at home. It gives children options to choose from regarding how they spend their time at home. Areas of Learning:
- COVID-19
- Health and Wellness
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story celebrates diversity at school. It explains that each child at school is special and unique. It lists ways children might be different from each other. It teaches children that in diverse communities, we can learn from each other. It encourages children to have a diverse group of friends. It highlights the need for all children to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Social Studies
- Equity and Social Justice
- Anti-racism
- Black History Month
- Black Shirt Day
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Building Community
- Identity and Belonging
- Life Skills
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story assures children that there are adults at school that will look after them and help to keep them safe. It outlines who will provide supervision and support at different times of the school day. It reminds children that if they need help, there are people at school to support them. This is a useful resource for children experiencing separation anxiety. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Problem Solving
- Back to School
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story talks about expected and unexpected changes. It explains to children that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable during change. It assures children that they can adjust when changes occur, and that some changes can make things better. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Organization and Planning
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the purpose of communication at school. It prepares children to participate in conversations with friends and teachers. It covers basic conversation skills including looking, listening, and responding. It provides examples with language prompts. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Language Arts
- Communication Skills
- Speech and Language
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story empowers children to take control of their thoughts. It demonstrates that positive thinking is productive and healthy, while negative thinking hinders success and leads to feelings of frustration and inadequacy. It suggests ways for children to practice using a Growth Mindset at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Science and the Body
- Physical Education
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story discusses the importance of focusing at school. It encourages children to follow the instructions and to avoid distractions. It emphasizes the need to stay on topic during lessons and conversations. It demonstrates how focusing during assignments leads to good work habits and enables children to complete their tasks within the allotted time. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back To School
- Organization and Planning
- Work Habits and Effort
- Self-reflection
- Assessment
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Time Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story normalizes mistakes. It reveals that everyone makes mistakes and that mistakes help us learn and grow. It encourages children to try new things and to take risks. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Work Habits and Effort
- Applied Design and Skills
- Counselling
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Community Building
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about germs at school. It suggests ways children can protect themselves against germs, as well as ways for children to keep their germs from spreading to others. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Physical Education
- Science and the Body
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Safety
- Social Responsibility
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children how to successfully host a playdate. It demonstrates how to be welcoming and friendly during the playdate, so the guest feels comfortable. It emphasizes cooperative play skills such as sharing and taking turns to ensure that both children have fun on the playdate. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Play-based Learning
- Communication Skills
- Counselling
- Friendship
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is helpful for children who have a tendency to hit, punch, or hurt others at school. It discourages children from using their hands to hurt others or to engage in unsafe or destructive behaviours. It highlights safe, appropriate, and friendly ways to use our hands. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Counselling
- Safety
- Feelings
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Self Regulation
- Behavior Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children that all families fight sometimes. It emphasizes the importance of solving family disagreements peacefully and discourages domestic violence. It provides a framework for families to follow to engage in safe and healthy problem-solving together at home. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Family Studies
- Communication Skills
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Problem Solving
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes what to do before, during, and after snack. It covers safety, healthy eating, cleaning up, and transitions. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Fall
- Science and the Body
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Food and Nutrition
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes what to do before, during, and after recess. It covers dressing appropriately, finding friends to play with, being safe, following the rules, and having fun. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Active Learning
- Play-based Learning
- Outdoor Learning
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes what to do before, during, and after lunch at school. It covers safety, healthy eating, cleaning up, and transitions. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Fall
- Science and the Body
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Food and Nutrition
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about positive and negative influences at school. It includes examples of children who are being a positive influence and children who are being a negative influence. It cautions children to think before following what someone else is doing or surrendering to peer pressure. It provides strategies for children to try when they’re around someone that’s doing something that they shouldn’t be doing. It empowers children to make safe and healthy choices. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Peer Pressure
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Character Education and Virtues
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-regulation
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Social Studies
- Critical Thinking
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story highlights the power of words. It demonstrates the positive and negative impact that words can have. It shows children that words can affect their own feelings and the feelings of others. It encourages children to use words to build themselves and others up. It advises children to think and choose their words carefully to ensure that they’re being socially responsible. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Feelings
- Friendship
- Problem Solving
- Communication Skills
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Self Regulation
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story discourages whining at school. It explains to children that when they whine at school, it makes their tasks more challenging and annoys those around them, which can have negative social effects. It demonstrates that whining is not an effective or useful strategy. It encourages children to act their age and to persevere through undesirable or challenging tasks. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Communication Skills
- Self Regulation
- Feelings
- Growth Mindset
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story differentiates between small, medium, and large problems. It provides children with examples of each size of problem and offers suggested solutions. It helps children determine when they can try to solve a problem themselves, and when they need to get help. It empowers children to be responsible problem-solvers at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Personal and Career Planning
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story provides examples of things that can be loud. It provides children with strategies to try when they feel like things are too loud for them. It assures children that noise and associated discomfort is temporary. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Feelings
- Problem Solving
- Self Regulation
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story covers how to line up and travel around the school safely and responsibly. It emphasizes going to the back of the line rather than budging in front of others. It suggests taking turns being at the front and the back of the line. It describes safe and quiet walking in the hallway. It highlights safety on the stairs. It encourages children to show kindness and respect for others as they travel around their school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story demonstrates how to take turns on the swing, on the slide, and during a soccer game outside on the playground. It sets children up for success before they go out to play at recess or after lunch. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Cooperative Learning
- Active Learning
- Play-based Learning
- Health and Wellness
- Safety
- Counselling
- Self Regulation
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand what being independent looks like at school. It addresses how to come into the classroom independently and stay on task throughout the day. It reminds children that they can ask for help at school, and that they can practice and get more independent over time. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Starting School
- Fall
- Work Habits and Effort
- Growth Mindset
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Problem Solving
- Personal and Career Planning
- Organization
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is helpful for children who have a tendency to hit, kick, or hurt others at school. It provides scripted language for children to use at school in various situations. It explains that words help us communicate with others and understand each other. It demonstrates how words help us solve problems. It explains that talking things through is preferable to getting physical and hurting others. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Communication Skills
- Speech and Language
- Health and Wellness
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Self-regulation
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Problem Solving
- Social Responsibility
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Preschool
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand that rules at school exist to keep the school community safe. It outlines rules in multiple settings and in different situations. It explains that everyone needs to follow the rules at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Back to School
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social Responsibility
- Self-regulation
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children about appropriate and inappropriate touching at school. It highlights the need consent for before touching other people’s bodies or property. It advises children to seek adult help if they see or experience touching that concerns them. It emphasizes the importance of comfort and safety for everyone at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Physical Education
- Science and the Body
- Counselling
- Life Skills
- Impulse Control
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of good sportsmanship during play with peers. It covers natural consequences that may occur after someone displays poor sportsmanship. It explains how to play games fairly and honestly to make the games fun for everyone. It emphasizes participation, cooperation, taking turns, following the rules, and friendly language. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Physical Education, Games, and Sports
- Play-based Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Character Education and Virtues
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of being honest at school. It covers natural consequences that may occur after someone is dishonest. It provides examples of honest behaviour and dishonest behaviour. It explains that telling the truth is important in building and maintaining friendships. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Character Education and Virtues
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Life Skills
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Classroom Management
- Cooperative Learning
- Building Community
- Behavior Management
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story teaches children the importance of being kind to others. It provides many examples of how to show kindness to others. It suggests that being kind is a good way to make new friends and to maintain existing friendships. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Life Skills
- Counselling
- Friendship
- Feelings
- Building Community
- Cooperative Learning
- Character Education and Virtues
- Classroom Management
- Social Responsibility
- Kindness and Inclusion
- Anti-bullying
- Pink Shirt Day
- Peace
- Remembrance Day
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand the difference between individual play and cooperative play. It teaches children the importance of participating, communicating, cooperating, and compromising with playmates. It encourages children to make positive contributions to the group. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Play-based Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Communication Skills
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Feelings
- Social Responsibility
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Problem Solving
- Applied Design and Skills
- Life Skills
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story is for children who have a tendency to cry at school, such as children who experience separation anxiety. When children cry at school, it makes their school experience even more challenging because they can’t participate or make friends. This story encourages children to be brave and to participate so that school becomes a more comfortable place for them to try new things, learn, and build positive relationships with their teachers and peers. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Self-regulation
- Cooperative Learning
- Back to School
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Elementary Education
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story encourages children to work hard and try their best at school, even when they don’t like the task or don't feel like working. It emphasizes following instructions, time management, focus, determination, and task completion. It explains to children that the reward for hard work is feeling pride in personal effort, learning, and accomplishments. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Work Habits and Effort
- Organization and Planning
- Life Skills
- Career and Personal Planning
- Self-reflection
- Assessment
- Character Education and Virtues
- Back to School
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story provides strategies to support children’s self regulation at school. It introduces an energy light as a visual tool that teachers can use to provide feedback to children throughout the day. It outlines steps to take at each colour of the energy light to support children as they learn to manage their energy and return to a calmer state when needed. It assures children that they have the potential to learn to manage their energy independently with time and practice. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Safety
- Work Habits and Effort
- Counselling
- Feelings
- Self Regulation
- Life Skills
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story highlights the importance of cooperating and listening to the teachers at school. It explains that teachers make rules and decisions to keep children safe and to provide all children with opportunities to participate and learn at school. It assures children that they will have some opportunities to make their own choices and decisions at school. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Safety
- Life Skills
- Behavior Management
- Classroom Management
- Building Community
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story covers basic skills needed during play, such as sharing and taking turns. It emphasizes that play should be fun for everyone involved. It shows that play provides children with opportunities to make new friends. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Cooperative Learning
- Active Learning
- Play-based Learning
- Applied Design and Skills
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story describes situations at school where people may need privacy. It demonstrates how to give someone privacy, and includes examples of what not to do when someone needs privacy. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Physical Education
- Science and the Body
- Counselling
- Safety
- Health and Wellness
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story helps children understand that because there are many children in their class, waiting is an inevitable part of the school day. It acknowledges that waiting can be difficult, but that it’s necessary. It helps children understand that they might need to wait for a short time or a long time. It suggests strategies to help children cope while they’re waiting for a longer time. It assures children that their teacher will make time for them whenever possible. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Back to School
- Growth Mindset
- Work Habits and Effort
- Character Education and Virtues
- Counselling
- Self Regulation
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Cooperative Learning
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story assures children that it’s normal to feel unsure and nervous about trying new things. It suggests starting small and working up to larger new ventures. It explains that taking risks and trying new things is a part of learning and discovering new talents, passions, hobbies, and personal preferences. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Growth Mindset
- Counselling
- Health and Wellness
- Personal and Career Planning
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- Autism
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story normalizes mistakes. It reveals that everyone makes mistakes and that mistakes help us learn and grow. It encourages children to try new things and to take risks. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Learning at Home
- Resources for Parents
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Counselling
- Communication Skills
- Problem Solving
- Character Education and Virtues
- Life Skills
- Classroom Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion
This digital social story encourages children to be careful with things at school. It outlines destructive behaviours to avoid. It reminds children that if they want to use classroom toys and materials, they need to show they can handle things carefully and put things away properly. Areas of Learning:
- Learning at School
- Cooperative Learning
- Safety
- Organization and Planning
- Work Habits and Effort
- Career and Personal Planning
- Problem Solving
- Life Skills
- Building Community
- Classroom Management
- Behavior Management
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Social Responsibility
- Elementary Education
- Core Competencies
- Primary Curriculum
- Kindergarten Classroom
- Teaching Resources
- Early Learning Support
- Visual Learners
- Literacy Skill Development
- Storytime
- Special Education
- English Language Learning
- French Immersion